The Plothole

At the end of NeS3 Page 6, the NeS Heroes had arrived at the secret robot city of Sanctuary in Antarctica, but Char, Wai and their guide, Mutt, were put into the Quarantine Zone because they may be infected with robot viruses. Now, on NeS3 Page 7, a cyborg doctor arrives to treat them, who turns out to be Leonardo da Vinci, the oldest cyrborg. Outside, explosions resound as Newb, CopyKAT and Galvatron enact a distraction by blowing things up. Across the world, in the city of Los Angeles, a young man named Arnold wishes to undergo a biological surgery to combine his deceased friend's DNA with his own, bringing the friend back to life at the expense of his own. Orë, the scientist, mixes up the DNA samples and Arnold, instead, is turned into a half-fox, half-human. Sanctuary has called for Orë's help, so he offers to take Arnold with him to seek treatment there, though Orë confides in his assistant, O, that Arnold may meet a dark fate on this trip. Arnold almost dies when his jet pack malfunctions and he crashes into the quarantine zone building, where he meets Char, Wai and Mutt. Orë wants to help repair the three of them, so Arnold goes outside where he meets Losien Simon, Aladdyn L. Quirk and Iriana Emp, who are trying to sneak past the guard, Cyclonus. Once inside, however, the three robots have decided to stay and be fixed by Orë. Orë, however, is trying to alert authorities to the presence of an intruder - Arnold. After bidding farewell, the NeS Heroes offer to take the unwanted Arnold with them, hoping to help him find a cure. With the arrival of the authorities, the heroes flee the city and reach Honeybee, who was waiting for them and she turns into a TARDIS to accommodate everyone. Galvatron stays behind to continue to help the robot city. CopyKAT underwent a sudden revelation as he witnesses his wife, Stargaze, appear before him, as she uses her powers to detect the Medallion he wears - she, and the Galactitron Fleet, have arrived in orbit around Earth. CopyKAT resumes his true form - a Galactitron Warrior - and the Galactitrons lock onto his location. He helps the heroes to then lead the Galactitrons to Australia, where they could help to stop the necroids, as only robots could go into the necromist. As they near Sydney, the last city with survivors, CopyKAT jumps from Honeybee to assault Necroman and the necroids, supported by Stargaze and her followers. The other NeS Heroes arrive in Sydney to try to help the last people, who are atop of a skyscraper, just outside of the necromist. Honeybee transforms into an airtight zord, but the heroes cannot cooperate and the affair is a disaster. Eventually, Losien asks if Honeybee can turn into a giant mobile phone. Like this, flying over the city, Losien changes the giant phone settings and activates the 5G Network, which attracts the 5G Zombies, including Bucket Head and Doctor Z, to the city to also fight the necroids. Necroman, however, has now reached the top of the skyscraper, where the Prime Minister of Australia is under threat of being turned into a necroid.

Posts 121 - 126[]

The Quarantine Zone[]

Main articles: 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126

When the NeS Heroes finally arrived at the robot city of Sanctuary in Antarctica, Char, Wai and Mutt were put immediately into the Quarantine Zone for fears that Char - and their two robots companions - might be infected with a virus that has affected their memory[NeS3 1]. As they wait there, a cyborg nurse arrives. Cyborgs are tolerated in certain areas of Sanctuary, mainly in Anthrohood, as they can provide medical services to robots for such things as robotic viruses. The nurse tells them that a doctor will be along shortly, but in the meantime they overhear the other heroes outside, particularly Newb, arguing with Cyclonus, who guards the Quarantine Zone. Char notes her aggression is aimed at everyone, not just robots, but Wai does point out that aggression towards robots by a human is enhanced due to past oppression. When Mutt wonders what Cyclonus would think of Aladdyn L. Quirk, who is half-genie and therefore of another oppressed minority, Char doesn't think he would care as Char believes Cyclonus merely wishes to stir up trouble. The doctor then arrives, who turns out to be Leonardo da Vinci, who is the oldest cyborg in the world, aside from the ancient Atlantean Cyborgs. The doctor seems to have gone crazy, in need of repairs. He notes that his internal clock stopped in 2012, the Mayan Apocalypse, and thinks the world ended - thus his clock stopped. There are suddenly explosions outside, all part of the plan of Newb and Galvatron, and the doctor rushes off[NeS3 2].

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles in the United States of America, a young man named Arnold arrives at the laboratory belonging to a cybernetics doctor named Orë, whose assistant is named O. Arnold wants to know if they would be able to cure illnesses, to which the doctor suggests they could replace limbs with cybernetics ones, but Arnold then admits the 'illness' is death, as his friend had died. The doctor suggests they could build a robot version of said friend, or possibly clone them. Arnold thinks a robot would be too cold and cloning will take too long. O proposes a compromise; using research by a man named Tiberion, they would graft the DNA of the original person onto a new body and transform that body into the original person, destroying the person in the process, but restoring the dead friend. Orë is prepared to find a random homeless man to use for the experiment, but Arnold doesn't want to hurt anyone and volunteers his own life instead. However, as Orë is preparing the special serum, he gets a call from Sanctuary requesting his expertise in curing robotic viruses. Distracted, Orë accidentally uses the wrong serum on Arnold. As Arnold rests, he sees a dream/memory of digging in garbage and then being struck over the head by Orë. When he wakes up, he has been transformed into a half-human, half-fox person. Freaking out, Arnold wants Orë to cure him, but Orë needs to go to Sanctuary. He secretly hints to O that Arnold may have an 'accident' in Antarctica. They use jetpacks to fly across the world to reach the South Pole[NeS3 3].

Outside the Quarantine Zone, Losien, Iriana and Aladdyn are staking out in a car and Aladdyn is dressed as a stereotypical detective and making his own commentary. Cyclonus, however, doesn't seem to move, despite all the explosions being caused elsewhere by Newb, Galvatron and CopyKAT, to the point they suspect maybe he has fallen asleep standing up. Then, from the sky, comes a person screaming as he is flung through the air by a jet pack and crashes into the quarantine building. Inside, the figure turned out to be Arnold who has to climb out of the debris of his crash. He shouts at Orë for the jetpack breaking during flight to cause the crash, but Orë just shrugs it off as a mistake. The two find themselves with Char, Mutt, Wai. Orë becomes fascinated by Wai's facial features and starts yanking on his face, shocking Arnold but Orë explains that this is an android and he wants to know Wai's schematics. Char explains the situation of the brain virus Char is suffering from. Orë recognises that Wai's Wandering circuitry is also broken. He decides he must remain here and fix these two robots, though he also notes that Mutt is fine and has no kinds of illness. When Arnold complains, wanting to be fixed first, Orë suggests he go play outside in the explosions. Outside, the trio of NeS Heroes see the young man emerge from within and wander straight past Cyclonus. They beckon him over and he tells them that the robot standing guard is, in fact, asleep standing up[NeS3 4]. Arnold leads them into the quarantine building, past the sleeping Cyclonus. Leonardo da Vinci has also returned and is arguing with Orë over ownership of patients. When Orë points out Leonardo's clock is broken, Leonardo tells Orë that his moral compass is broken. Orë whips out said moral compass, but confirms it works just fine when it swings over to 'wicked' at the thought of killing Arnold. Though Losien, Iriana and Aladdyn had come to rescue Wai, Char and Mutt, the three had decided to remain in Sanctuary so they could be fixed by Orë. Leonardo offers to fix Arnold, but his method of 'repairs' would be to chop off all the fox-parts and replace them with wooden prosthetics. The heroes are sad to say goodbye, but understand the decision and leave[NeS3 5]. Losien points out that Arnold isn't a cyborg and is confused how he could enter the city without permission. Orë, the very person that brought Arnold, starts to call the authorities for the city to alert them of the trespasser. Hearing this, Leonardo thinks he's being targeted and smashes through a window to escape. Orë believes that Char's brain has been tampered with by an A.I. and Losien whispers to Wai to watch Orë and keep an eye out for CynthAI, the A.I. who seems to have placed herself into Sanctuary's computer systems. Losien welcomes Arnold to join her and they may find a cure for him together. She hugs Wai and Char goodbye and the two meet with Aladdyn and Iriana outside again. These two give Arnold 'rules' for being on the team, and Iriana even slaps Arnold when he admits he like to drink coffee. When the security droids arrive, the three rush to meet up with Newb, Galvatron and CopyKAT so they could make their escape[NeS3 6]. Shortly after, however, the security droids arrive in the quarantine building and believe that Orë is a human, not a cyborg, so they chase him. Char, Wai and Mutt, who need Orë to fix them, chase the droids chasing Orë[NeS3 7].

Posts 127 - 130[]

Arrival in Sydney[]

Main articles: 127 | 128 | 129 | 130

Back in orbit, the Galactitrons are having to listen to the acid tongue of President Bill Murray as he fights the Galactitron Fleet with the American Space Force. Stargaze suggests to the Galactitron King that she use her unique ability to find The Medallion, though the king is worried for her safety. As per Galactitron naming conventions, STAR is her family name while 'gaze' refers to her ability - just as KAT is the family name of CopyKAT and his ability is to 'copy'. She scans the Milky Way and then the Solar System, eventually Earth and manages to locate the Medallion. She tells the crew of The Monarch that it is attached to a dog collar, much to the anger of the Galactitrons. However, she believes that the pug may be CopyKAT, her lover, reincarnated, as foretold by the Galactitron Wizards. CopyKAT sees the visage os STARgaze and his memories finally resurface, allowing him to transform back into a Galactitron Warrior. He believes the planet is in danger so long as he remains there, but Losien refuses to let him just leave without helping them stop Necroman now that CopyKAT is a robot. STARgaze reports back to the crew that this is her partner's reincarnation and CopyKAT tells the NeS Heroes to rush back to Australia before the Galactitrons land on the planet. They reach Honeybee, who turns into a TARDIS to accommodate everyone. Galvatron, however, opts to remain in Sanctuary and Newb gives him a fond farewell, having made friends with him - though he stole her mini-nuke launcher[NeS3 8]. Once inside, however, Aladdyn panicks as he realises he didn't send his family postcards from their trip to Sanctuary. This annoys Newb and Arnold asks why Aladdyn is even on the team, at which Losien points out he is the comic relief, but Iriana stands up for him saying he is a hero like everyone else. Losien has to quickly tell Honeybee not to turn around to Sanctuary to get Aladdyn's postcards[NeS3 9]. When the Honeybee-TARDIS reaches the skies of Australia, they hear cackling from outside. When they look out, they realises that the necroids themselves are firing themselves up into the air to try to hit the TARDIS, giggling with mania as they fly up and then plunge to their deaths. Losien wants to land to stop them killing themselves, but Iriana reminds her that they will also become necroids if they touch the necromist and the only thing they can do is to reach Sydney. Aladdyn makes the, surprisingly sensible, suggestion of simply flying lower. CopyKAT comes out, finally, and they want to know what took him so long. He explains his organic form, a pug, had eaten a lot and his robot self needed to evacuate all that waste. Aladdyn admits that he wishes he could change his form like CopyKAT does, which is followed by everyone else agreeing they all wished for the same thing - except Iriana, who is shocked, and tells everyone they are all brilliant and beautiful as they are. This warms everyone up emotionally, though Aladdyn still wishes he could change his appearance so he could stand out more, which baffles everyone else as he is bright blue. They break into pairs and Iriana asks Losien if she really wishes she could change her look because everyone always remarks how beautiful she is. Losien knows they say that, but she never really felt it herself. However, she really wishes she could look more like Newb and appear strong and in control. At the door, Arnold tells Newb she looks like an action movie star and doesn't understand why she would want to change. Newb admits she wishes she could look like Losien, who she regards as objectively, outrageously beautiful. CopyKAT comments to Aladdyn that nobody appreciates the positives in themselves as much as they see the negatives[NeS3 10]. As they pass over the land, Newb and Arnold could see the necroids below, as well they could see the 5G Zombies, unaffected by the mist, fighting with the necroids. Then they managed to see Necroman himself, accompanied by famous singers. Arnold wants to know if there's a way to turn the necroids back and Losien proposes that they need to take out the big bad, as in Necroman, like most in Stories. Without needing more information, CopyKAT leaps from the TARDIS to intercept Necroman below. Aladdyn, not thinking, jumps out after him, but he would turn into a necroid if exposed to the necromist, unlike the robotic CopyKAT. Newb is about to jump after him, but Arnold reminds them he has a jet pack and flies down after Aladdyn himself. CopyKAT is about to fly Aladdyn back up, but Arnold swoops by and snags Aladdyn, allowing CopyKAT to resume his mission. Necroman senses CopyKAT incoming and gets excited for a showdown and asks the singers to acapella something dramatic. Once face-to-face, Necroman commends CopyKAT on being very cool and deserving of an audience, so swarms of necroids rush towards CopyKAT. However, he knows he will not be alone, having lured his fellow Galactitrons in NeS3 Post 127. Stargaze and the Galactitrons smash into the midst of the necroids and she declares they need to kill Taylor Swift. The pop stars are confused and move away from Taylor Swift, not knowing the unusual reputation as a warrior that the Galactitrons had built up. Necroman slinks into the shadows as the robots fight the celebrities. Honeybee heads towards Sydney, as Arnold carries Aladdyn ahead[NeS3 11].

Posts 131 - 136[]

Battle with Taylor Swift and Honeybee's Transformations[]

Main articles: 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136

In Sydney, people are huddled atop of a tall building to escape the necromist, but the necroids are climbing it. One of the politicians is disappointed that they were never able to find a genie to save them, as per the plan outlined in NeS3 Post 42. Another leader thinks it was a shame they let the 'peasants' use the last flight to safety, and one of the Australian people promises the leader wouldn't get re-elected. Then they see the arrival of Aladdyn and Arnold and they ask Aladdyn about granting them Wishes, but he has to tell them that he is only half-genie. Then the Galactitrons fall from the sky to fight the necroids and the people assume their Wish was granted[NeS3 12]. Back on the city outskirts, Stargaze kisses CopyKAT but he turns into a pug, thanks to his thinking of his recent past, and she, startled, tosses him through the air. He lands at the feet of Taylor Swift, who spots the Medallion and snatches it from CopyKAT before he could turn back into his Galactitron form, thanks to the necromist slowing his mind. The Galactitrons are in a panic as Taylor Swift uses the Medallion. However, partly thanks to being a crazed necroid, she alters reality so that all radio stations across the NeSiverse now play country music[Ext 1]. Stargaze is flabbergasted that she would do something so petty with such power, but manages to take the Medallion from Taylor Swift and returns it to CopyKAT. Necroman is with more of his necroid celebrities as they now approach the tower in Sydney where Arnold and Aladdyn are[NeS3 13]. This incident prompts a cut-away to R'lyeh, commonly known as Underwateropolis, where the radio in the shoggoth bar starts playing country music. The shoggoth are disturbed and driven insane by the horrible music, which is when a kraken smashes the wall and demands they stop the noise[NeS3 14].

The Honeybee-TARDIS arrives at the building in Sydney. An Australian leader asks if the NeS Heroes can defend them from the necroids coming up the stairs. When Arnold points out they have cops and soldiers up here, Losien dubs them impotent due to the Narrative. A random solider protests and claims his wife is happy with his performance. When Aladdyn declares they can charge the enemy, Newb encourages him to do so, but Losien has to remind him of the necromist. Honeybee then states that she could become airtight and allow them to go into the necromist while inside her. They all get in and she turns into a large humanoid robot. Each hero is tasked with moving a limb as Honeybee has never actually had limbs before. Aladdyn gets the head, Newb and Arnold have the arms and Losien and Iriana get a leg each. Newb knows this is going to end badly, but Aladdyn calls her a pessimist. A moment later and the limbs get tangled and the Honeybee-zord falls over[NeS3 15]. The Australian survivors atop of the skyscraper are watching and comment on the actions of the Honeybeezord. They believe that the robot is going through a series of dances, from classic dances to pop dances for specific songs. One of the surivors comments that they think the robot is having some kind of fit, but they are chastised by other commenters who proclaim the person knows nothing of dance[NeS3 16]. Aladdyn doesn't even know where he is and thinks he is in the anus, but he's actually in the head. Losien proclaims this is 'their moment', thinking Narratively, for them to 'come together'. This slip of the tongue gets Newb laughing and nobody is cooperating. Arnold even starts throwing up due to the motion of the robot. As nobody is willing to work together, Losien shouts at them all to just do as she tells them. She manages to wrangle them into following her instructions and they start walking and turning. When Aladdyn is still confused about being in the anus, Newb starts hitting him, the head of the zord, and Arnold starts throwing up again. Losien begs Honeybee if there is another option, like a tank. But the tank couldn't fire, because she'd be a clown tank. Iriana has a brochure of statues and sculptures because she wants to go on holiday and suggests an option to Honeybee. Newb agrees to it before Losien could get details of this sculpture. They all roll around inside Honeybee confused as she transforms until they're all dumped into a pile. They then realise that Honeybee is now a superlambanana[Ext 2] - half lamb, half-banana[NeS3 17].

Posts 137 - 140[]

The 5G Zombies Arrive[]

Main articles: 137 | 138 | 139 | 140

In this form, Honeybee smacks a bunch of necroids, who seem to think it is a fun game[NeS3 18]. When she stamps around, she crushes necroids into a bloodied pulp. Newb hopes that the Australian people won't go extinct before they manage to defeat Necroman. Losien asks if Honeybee could fly away, but Honeybee says she can't fly without parts for flying. Aladdyn shouts they need balloons, though Iriana suggests a helicopter hat she saw in a cartoon. Aladdyn suddenly shows up with "balloons" but everyone realises that they're inflated condoms. Newb, in anger, whips out her bazooka and pulls the trigger to shoot him[NeS3 19]. The projectile hit the wall and caused Honeybee to whizz around like a popped balloon. Eventually, the inflated condoms that Aladdyn had brought manage to close the gap and Losien asks that they take a vow of silence that this ever happened. Losien comes up with a plan and wants to know if Honeybee could turn into a giant mobile phone. Moments later and Losien is dangling down the side of the giant, flying Honeybee-phone with Newb holding the grappling hook. Losien jumps around to select the options and finally presses the option to turn on the 5G. This starts to attract all of the 5G Zombies to the area. The Galactitrons, led by STARgaze and CopyKAT, follow them in search of Necroman. Amongst the 5G Zombies are Bucket Head and Doctor Z, though the zombies barely pay attention to them, despite Bucket Head ordering them around. Bucket Head notices that Doctor Z now had some kind of bucket-helmet on his head, which Doctor Z explains to be Cera-Bro. He reveals it has the voice and personality matrix of Michael Cera[Ext 3]. Before Bucket Head could remark how stupid that is, they are both trampled by the Galactitrons. Necroman, along with some necroids, has now reached the top of the skyscraper where the Prime Minister of Australia is[NeS3 20]. The Prime Minister himself is anxious as Necroman confronts the survivors and the necromist begins to slowly creep towards them. However, the Narrator notices it is moving very slowly and Necroman thinks it would be more dramatic for the heroes to make a last minute rescue attempt. Aboard Honeybee, Iriana mentions that the 5G Zombies are too slow to save the survivors but Newb thinks they should just leave them as they are nobodies. When Losien points out that one of those people is Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia, Newb asserts her point[NeS3 21].


External References

Neverending Story 3 References[]

  1. NeS3 Post 113, NeS3 Page 6, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  2. NeS3 Post 121, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written Al Ciao the Writer.
  3. NeS3 Post 122, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Arnold9413 the Writer.
  4. NeS3 Post 123, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  5. NeS3 Post 124, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  6. NeS3 Post 125, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  7. NeS3 Post 126, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  8. NeS3 Post 127, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  9. NeS3 Post 128, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  10. NeS3 Post 129, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  11. NeS3 Post 130, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  12. NeS3 Post 131, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  13. NeS3 Post 132, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  14. NeS3 Post 133, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  15. NeS3 Post 134, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  16. NeS3 Post 135, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  17. NeS3 Post 136, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  18. NeS3 Post 137, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
  19. NeS3 Post 138, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Arnold9413 the Writer.
  20. NeS3 Post 139, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Britt the Writer.
  21. NeS3 Post 140, NeS3 Page 7, The Pandemic, Neverending Story 3 written by Al Ciao the Writer.
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