The Plothole

NeS1 Post 181 has MaybeChild go through a quick wardrobe change before she tries to give Semievil some encouragement to get himself together, having fallen to bones in NeS1 Post 180. She then rips the duct tape, insisting it's Duck Tape, from his mouth that he had put on in NeS1 Post 176.


Sem: Ouch...

MaybeChild, seeing her pal Sem go down, hurries over after collecting her $$$. On the way, she realizes that she still looks too much like Thelma[Ext 1], even after donning her love beads for the be-in[Ext 2]. Stopping for a moment, with Sem still lying in a heap of bones, she snaps her fingers, instantly changing back to her more slender self in perfectly-worn bluejeans, embroidered gauzy shirt, and loads of jewelry. Beginning once again to walk towards Sem, she let out her copious amount of red hair.

MaybeChild: Sem, duder, you okay?

Sem: (rather grumbly) Yeh, sure, of course I am. Just need to sleep for about 5 years, then I'll be in fighting condition again...

Maybe: Aw come on, man, you kicked @$$! Ya put the fear of God in that guy.

Sem: I'd rather put the fear of ME in him...

Maybe: Eh, close enough. At least take the bleedin' Duck (yes it is Duck, ask Ms Mezz) tape off your mouth... *grabs edge of duck tape that remains on Sem's nose and cheeks*


Maybe: oops...

Sem: *whimper* Why you always hurt me...?


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