The Plothole

Athens is the capital city of the Hellenic Republic, commonly known as Greece, and was one of the city-states of ancient Greece. It has long been a bastion of culture and learning throughout all of human history and is the foundation of European society.


Athens became the centre for Greek culture and was considered, at one time, the greatest city in the world. The city adopted Athena, god of wisdom, as its patron over Poseidon and granted the city its illustrious name[Leg 1].


Temple of Athena[]


Gorgon Cave[]

Not far from the main city was a cave where the Gorgon sisters would lure the male rapists, thieves and murderers of Athens into their lair to slay them. It was here that the three monstrous Gorgons were slain by Perseus. The sisters Euryale and Stheno were restored to humanity while Medusa became a pegasus and the three of them left the cave forever[Leg 2].



The city adopted Athena as its patron deity, giving it its name, instead of Poseidon even though he was the senior, male god. This sparked the intense rivalry between the two deities[Leg 1].


Legends of the NeSiverse References[]
